Friday, January 28, 2011



Maria Clavel - She worked for us, and as a result of her being our employee, we cannot discuss the specifics of her employment with our company.

But, as of January 6, 2011, she no longer worked for us, and we can discuss her behavior since then.  As usual we will keep if VERY FACTUAL.

As of January 27, 2011, out of no where she shows up on Craigslist posting false statements (LIES) about our company.  Her stated goal in the posts are to deter employees from applying with our company, and then in the latest post she is appealing to anyone that would patronize our business. 

Well, as with the last person that assaulted our company, this person will be contacted by our attorney's and we will begin to pursue legal action, if she does not Cease and Desist. 

It is a terrible shame that Maria Clavel would try to use Craigslist to damage our company, instead of moving on with her life. 

Actions like this make a person get on our list of DO NOT HIRE. 

Trust me you will appreciate this post, and not making the mistake of hiring Maria Clavel. 

Well we kept it factual, she began posting lies, we have proof that they are lies, our proof is in payroll reports, video footage, and other paper documentation.  LIES, LIES, LIES. 

For more information contact us through this blog, and we will assist you in any way that we can.

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