Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ATTN EMPLOYERS - The Story behind the job history on the application.

Have you all been noticing how often you see these reasons for leaving a job on the applications:

1.  Seasonal
2.  Company went out of business
3.  Personal Reasons
4.  Lack of hours
5.  Lack of work
6.  Better career
7.  Career change

Most of the time if I see them in an isolated manner, but the rest of the job history looks pretty good, I will call them in for an interview.  See how they show up and how well their presentation (attire & conduct) is, and then I make a decision to consider possibly hiring them, but never without checking all of the references.  If for any reason you cannot check any reference (remember, do not ask for the name that they list on the application-ask for HR, or hiring manager, or Manager), do not hire them, it could turn out to be a nightmare for you in the long run. 

Now, if you see one or more of these on one application, be wary and steer clear.  Take a look back at the applications that belonged to your worst employees.  I am willing to bet that one of the deadly seven were on their application. 

For now GOOD LUCK hiring from this pool of job prospects. 

Keep suggesting topics - we appreciate the feedback. 

By the way, we are still being flagged, just another day of terror. 

She or someone, sent a communication suggesting a deal, but still flagged after we responded as you see here in this blog.  TSK TSK. 

The best defense for a libel suit, is TRUTH -and man oh man do we have proof that we are telling only the truth. 

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