Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Written Application - Does not match the Online Application

As promised here is the written application.  This is the truth coming out, she posted before saying that we offered her employment for $8 per hour, LIE.  We did not even interview her because of the discrepancies in her online application (posted earlier in this blog), and this written application (displayed below).  Take a look for yourself, and see that this person is a pathological liar on a vendetta against our company, all because she did not get the job.  We gave her more than a week to cease and desist, now we are firing back.  Would you trust this person with your most valuable belongings, I would not.  If I was her, and saw that we had an official application, and that I had already lied on the online application, I would have just left before implicating myself as a liar, and then attack the employer for not making the biggest mistake of the history of the business.  I think my clients will appreciate the thoroughness of our hiring procedure.  I know the employees that we have appreciate making a great salary, and feeling appreciated.  Natisha, I hope that this will be the end of this battle.  If not, we will post your test here, it was hilarious. 

For all other visitors, especially employers, and upstanding employees (jobseekers), send this to your friends on facebook, twitter, and other social media, lets see if we can get the word out, exponentially. 

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